Understanding immunity
Everyone is claiming “immunity boosting benefits”… how does this fit?
So, we are back on the demystifying bandwagon here. It is not a high horse. But if you know about this stuff, the way immunity is banded around now is wrong. It is praying on covid anxiety.
Immunity is, well, like everything in the body, complicated. But simultaneously gloriously simple.
In simple terms, your immunity is impacted by everything you put in the body, your environment and the way you treat it. Sure there are things that offer a better bang for the buck, but that is always where you think.
As an example, Vitamin D, widely touted as an immunity product in the supplement industry. Vitamin D is in deficit in the UK and northern European Climate so it makes sense to keep it topped up with a supplement. There is also a decent chunk of research behind it, like this study, which shows the science behind the connection nicely. To save you time, it covers the body’s use of Vitamin D and how those receptors are connected to the immunity system. There are many such occasions where low Vitamin D levels are associated with increased risk of disease, injury or worse. Bearing in mind our body generates Vitamin D3 from exposure to sunlight. Supplementing is clearly a less natural and less efficient way to keep levels topped up in the body. Having said this diet, the correct rest and general fitness are always superior to supplements.
Quite often people will look for a quick fix with the mindset, “well it can’t hurt. We cannot argue with that. However, if you have concerns over immunity or exposure to potential immune testing scenarios, being well rested and having a strong basis of antioxidants and a varied diet will be a better decision.
If someone is overweight and focused on immunity, the focus should still be on diet and increased fitness and not too much of a calorie deficit. Reduced calories can often mean a restricted diet. Keep the colours of the rainbow in your diet. One colour is most important, GREEN.
The Green stuff
Active ingredients (per 10g serving): spirulina (2.43g), matcha green tea (1.67g), dang-gui buxue tang (1.67g), yamabushitake (1g), kale (0.67g), maca root extract (0.5g), organic spinach leaf (0.33g), broccoli sprout (166.67mg), moringa oleifera (166.67mg), turmeric(166.67mg), ashwagandha extract (166.67mg), black pepper extract (6.67mg)..
A great deal of nature is green, so this might seem obvious to you, which is great. For our immunity, the focus, much like the Vitamin D stuff we mentioned earlier. But with greens, there is boatloads of it. Everything that is linked focuses on improving the health and wellness of healthy individuals.
Overall health and wellness are often where the reality of the point is found. Being all rounded.
We do not necessarily push Greens Stack as an immunity focused product but this is what it really is. The reason we do not want to focus entirely on this aspect is that the focus should still be on being an all-rounder.
It has a secondary benefit for us is which is no different to the rest of the world’s focus on immunity. One of the small impacts of being an all-rounder.
But the point is still there, the misunderstanding of how immunity works and what is the best way to improve it, goes as far as our fear to boast about something that is not there for our primary benefit.