Are germs really the enemy?
The immune system. A fairly hot topic at the moment.
Image of somebody building up their immune system.
What with the effects of Covid, and things starting to open back up again, germs are sneaking their way back into our systems after 17 months of consistent hand sanitising, mask wearing and general germ preventing practises.
But bacteria, actually helps BOOST our immune system. When we come into contact with bacteria in small doses, and regularly, we are building and boosting our immunity without even realising it.
It is a fact that we have more bacterial cells than human cells and they are positively TEEMING around our bodies. On the outside AND on the inside. Our gut bacteria is in a close knit relationship with our immune system and more and more research is going into how bacteria and immune system work together in the presence of disease….
Whilst being anal about having a super clean house, and keeping hands washed regularly may SEEM like a good idea, its counterproductive in terms of giving our immune system the support it ACTUALLY needs. This isn’t me saying that we should all live in filth. Just that sometimes we need to get a bit of the bacteria into our gut in order to HELP it.
No one enjoys getting ill. Its an almighty pain in the arse. It stops us from doing what we need to do, and its not always easy to listen to our bodies when they’re telling us to slow the hell down. But it’s a necessary evil, and getting better at listening to our bodies plays a huge role in working with our immune system.
So how can we continue to boost our immune systems in the current climate when we are easing our way back into remnants of normality whilst also trying to keep the prevention of the spread of Covid at bay the same time???
Whilst the research is continuing, there are a few things that WE DO KNOW.
And its why ‘Hence’ KEEPS ITSELF AT THE FOREFRONT of this ever-evolving knowledge….
Get Green Fingered……
Getting your hands dirty whilst planting and growing your own vegetables and plants will expose you to all of that lovely bacteria in the soil. This teaches your immune system to ignore the harmless bacteria and put its focus on tackling the shit out of the ones that make you ill.
That’s pretty cool.
Symbiosis at its best; Providing a home for the bacteria whilst training our immune system to ward off unwanted illnesses.
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Don’t be afraid of getting dirty….
If gardening’s not your thaaaang, then no stress. Don’t be afraid of getting outside with the mud and dirt on you once in a while. You can take that as smearing it all over yourself and rolling around in a puddle (if you’re at the extreme end of the spectrum), or you could simply NOT immediately stress out if you get a bit of mud on your hand. Same principal as above.
Had enough of us telling you to get dirty yet? We’ll move on….
Rest and sleep….
Its normal to want to do aaallll the things. But rest is just as important as motivation and keeping moving. Have you ever been on a mad weekend bender and then caught a cold immediately after? Yeah. There’s a reason for that…
Infection fighting molecules are CREATED WHILST WE SLEEP. If your sleep is not reaching the full quality that it desperately needs, then you will be far more susceptible to picking up a stinking cold after coming into contact with someone snivelling all over you. Selfish buggers.
Try getting into a solid routine with your sleep schedule and practise sleep hygiene. This can be anything from setting an early alarm to ensure that you’re up early and therefore to bed early, to reading before you fall asleep instead of mindlessly scrolling social media.
Circulation increase through physical activity…..
That’s right, physical activity supports the immune system.
Exercise boosts your overall circulation, which in turn, aids the infection blasting molecules in travelling effectively around the body. We know that exercise keeps us fit and it helps us to destress, but isn’t it pretty bloody cool that it also supports us from getting unwell too??
Obviously, we were going to slip that one in there. But its because WE KNOW that it HELPS. It’s what we do, and its why we are here.
Let’s focus on spirulina. Its nutrient dense. SO NUTRIENT DENSE. And its why its one of the main ingredients in Greens Stack, even though we are well aware that it tastes pretty bad.
The more research that is going into the consumption and benefits of spirulina, excites us at Hence beyond belief. We knew the benefits, WE’VE FELT THEM.
Now the rest of the world is catching on. Marvellous.
Its rich in the important immune boosting vitamins like E, C and B6…. But its also shown to boost the production of white blood cells and antibodies which are the ones that fight off the viruses and the bacteria that make us ill.
We aren’t saying its magic. But its basically magic.
In conclusion;
The immune system and the role of bacteria might seem like an invisible part of our bodies that we have no control over. Afterall, if we are out and someone sneezes into our eyeballs, the chances are we are going to end up catching whatever germs they’ve rudely sent in our direction.
But it IS ABSOLUTELY POSSIBLE to train our immune system and bacteria to work symbiotically. To give ourselves the best chance to fight off infection, or to become less debilitated by it when we inevitably catch something.
You just gotta give it a little bit of extra help. And its really not as complicated as you might think.